The fight for a living wage.


Legislation Status

Last year, we achieved a historic victory. After years of championing a living wage for Hawai’i’s workers, we partnered with legislators to raise our state’s minimum wage to $18/hour by 2028, the highest state-level minimum wage rate in the nation. 

But workers and their families are still struggling. That's why we need to keep up the momentum to push for added pro-worker policies. Read more here.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a living wage in Hawaiʻi? How will increasing the wage of Hawaiʻi’s workers impact businesses, employment rates and prices?


A Living Wage Floats All Boats

Why the fight for a living wage in Hawaiʻi is more critical now than ever, plus evidence and best practices from cities and states that have already raised the wage of their workers. 

Our Vision »



Our Coalition

The Raise Up Hawaiʻi campaign pulls together advocates, organizers, policy experts and, most importantly, the working families, young adults and kupuna directly affected by the wage level in Hawaiʻi.